Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year's Eve Adventures
Personally, I don't see it this way at all.
I recall a country that went from being complacent and self centered to standing together as we mourned the loss of so many on 9/11. Remember how the fireman and policeman were brought back up to the level of respect they deserved? Or how strangers began to speak and we were reminded to stop and spend time with family and friends? As tragic as that time was for our country, there were a lot of good things that came from that time as well.
I saw more monetary wealth than I imagined in my life at the beginning of the decade and by 2005, it was all gone. For many reasons, but the result is I've found I am richer now in my life than I've ever been. I've lost many "things" over the lasts 10 years, and I've seen heartache in that time. But for me, I'm thankful for the experience of the decade and looking forward to a blessed new year.
Speaking of... I read a blog recently that questioned Bishop TD Jakes motives for making the statement that 2010 will be a prosperous year. The comments on that blog were attacking to say the least. This blog was listed on a "christian" blog site. I have to say here, because I can, that I was completely disappointed in the response to the article. The article itself was only stating facts and questioning other's thoughts on it. But the responses were not only judgemental and condeming, but made based on perceptions and none of them had any valid points. I'm sad that those "christians" were so quick to judge and condemn. In fact, I'm curious as to who determined that prosperous was only monetary? And by the way, do we live in the world's economy or God's? There was also discussion that the economy wasn't that bad anyway. There was one person who stated that it only meant we had to cancel movie channels and boo hoo if we did. I'm glad that person is blessed enough that they didn't have to give up more than their movie channels, but it's very naive to think that's all that others had to give up. I've seen families that became homeless, people who lost homes, cars, jobs, and businesses because of this world's economy. I don't know a lot about Bishop Jakes personally - but I do know that it's not my place to question his heart. And I'm thankful for the expectation that this next year will be prosperous and for the blessings my Father has promised me as His child!
OK... I feel MUCH better now!
What are your plans for tonight? Please be safe! We are hanging out with 3 grandbabies and two sons tonight. :-) Looks like we'll be going to an early movie and then dinner, and home for fun and games. It's a great way to bring in a New Year and the new decade! We really have no plans for tomorrow, which is funny becaue we usually have some kind of meal planned with the family. This holiday we have spent a lot of time just hanging out with the grandbabies. We play games, the Wii, watch movies, or just play with them. It's been a nice and relaxing week. Life is good.
Living the Blessed Life....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Quilting, baking and other domestic things....
I also made a cherry pie and ginger bread cookies for my hubby today. I found a great recipe for the ginger bread cookies on It's my favorite recipe website. These cookies come out perfect every time. I also made a beef vegetable soup for dinner and it came out yummy. It's so easy, and I use just whatever is in my cabinet at the time. Throw it all together and cook until the flavors are all melded. Mmmmm... it's been a good cooking day too.
It has not, however, been a good work day. UGH! I have so much to do, I've put in so few hours lately and I absolutely have to get caught up!! So, we'll see how tomorrow goes. Hopefully I'll spend the day on work related things so I can get back to the business of sewing on my quilts.
Oh and I forgot the best part! In the midst of setting up my new craft area, I found two quilt tops my grandmother made. They are both hand pieced and appear to be pretty fragile. You have to understand, my grandmother was born in the late 1800's so these are very very old. I'm SO excited I found them!! I am going to find something to use for the backing and put them together. I found that my machine has some nice quilting stitches, and it will be fun to use them on the quilts. Yep, time to focus on work so I can get back to the fun!
And.... this coming weekend our church is having a conference that will last 5 days! We will get to hear TD Jakes and James Robison among others! It's going to be so good, and such a blessing! I have never heard either of them in person, we are super excited about that too. What a great way to start the year.
Still love living the Blessed Life!
~ Jessica
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Thoughts

Christmas Eve we will meet family and friends at Campo Verde, a great mexican restaurant that has a train that goes around the whole restaurant. It's a family tradition, so we look forward to that meal every year. Then that evening we will go to the candlelight service at First Baptist Hurst. We don't go to church there anymore, but that service is also a tradition that we greatly enjoy.
We're also thinking about taking them to ICE! in Grapevine. This time of year we spend so much of it with family and cherishing our blessings... seems like we could be doing this much more often over the year instead of waiting until the end, don't you think?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Just felt like stating that fact. :-) So this past weekend, we drove to Houston to pick up our dog Charlie that had been missing for 2 years!! I look at him all the time now and am reminded of the miracle we experienced in getting him back and how much Father loves me for bringing him back to me. I have one word for it. Restoration. Oh, and Amazing...
Today has shaped up to be a very productive day. I got a B12 shot, so that's always a good thing. I had not been taking them since July and realized that they really do make a difference so I'm back on them. Thank you Father for providing the syringes I needed. :-)
I've baked bread, cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, and am working on about my 5th or 6th load of laundry. Today I'm washing sheets, pillows, bedding and bath rugs. So there is a lot of extra to wash. I want to finish before hubby gets home, but we'll see how that goes. I'm also working on floors, but the laundry has to finish before I can do the kitchen / bathrooms. Dinner is chicken stir fry and then Life Group later tonight.
We love our new Life Group. Some of the members are from last year, and a lot are new. But we love feeling the Holy Spirit moving there. I also went to the introduction class for BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) last night. I am really excited about it, I am hoping to get placed in a class by next week. They said we'd get a call this weekend to let us know for sure. I also signed up for a daily devotional email from Girlfriends in God, and am going to sign up to join a prayer group at Jake's high school. I've come to realize that bathing myself in God's word is never a bad thing, and in fact, is a great thing to keep me strong in my relationship with Him. I actually think I know the mom who is the leader of the prayer group at school. Very cool. :-)
Well, I'm off to work on my chores and list of things to do. I am going to try to work in a manicure (self given, not at the salon) if I can get the housework finished before dinner. I love having nails done, but making time is always a challenge for me. Guess I just need to make it happen.
OK, I'm off... Blessings to you all!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
I've had some negative feelings this week, and I want to get beyond them. They are not of the Father, so I know it's the enemy just playing with my emotions. Nothing earth shattering, just wishful thinking in some ways. And sometimes, wanting for what I don't have isn't a good place to be. So....
I listed a lot of my blessings the last blog. But I don't think you can get too much of that. Today i am thankful for ~
My home, and paying rent each month knowing I don't have to worry about other things like homeowners insurance, repairs and maintenance, taxes, etc.
Going to lunch today with ginni. This is something I've felt like I miss out on because they live so far away. OK, and hour isn't the other side of the world, but some days it feels like it. So I'm off to take her to lunch and spend some awesome time with her.
My hubby. He is off with the men's group this morning, but he'll be home soon. And he is so committed to this new life we have. It's so encouraging to have him to lean on, which has not always been the case in the past. At least not spiritually. It's good to have a solid head of our home.
A light at the end of the tunnel. There are two bills that will be paid off in the next few months. One will be before Christmas and the other in March or so. Once they are paid, we are going to be SO much better off. It would be great to pay them off early, but either way we are blessed.
Randy's new job. Man, I am SO thankful that he has a light at the end of his tunnel too. He wants to get his debt paid off and get out on his own. And we are ready for the same. I love him, and we want the best for him. I am hoping he can get a place on his own and that life is taking a turn for the better for him.
Fall weather. I missed not getting out enough this summer. But that was my own growth, and it was worth it. I'm happy the weather is cooling off some, and camping time is upon us. I am super busy with my job, Addi, Jake, Band Boosters, church, bible study, etc. This fall is going to be great!
I think it's time to get off of Facebook. I love my FB friends, and all that. But it seems like it's a source of unnecessary misery at times. I love seeing pictures, and updates, but I also see how it's a time hog and there are so many other things I could do with my time that would be more productive and positive.
Let's see, I think that's it for today. I'm watching the Wiggles with Addi and was surprised that they were singing a song that mentioned "the Lord" and "Ezekiel". I was glad, just surprised. I need to get my list of things to do together, since we leave for camping on Saturday. I am SOOOO ready to go. I need to go to the grocery store, give the dog a bath and trim, pack the camper, and I really wanted to make some curtains for the camper but I don't know that it's going to happen today or tomorrow.
Blessings to all of you...
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
- Addi Kate! She is making me smile today.
- Kylie Danielle! Her daddy is taking her out today, and he can't wait.
- James William Beam! Love this boy, and the pictures from the wedding make me want to squeeze his face. LOL!
- My home. I love this little place, it's funny, who knew I would love it so much? I am so thankful Father showed us this house and we could have such a great place to live and great neighbors, too.
- My van. I had wanted for a car for so long. This is the best car ever, and I love it!
- My family. Who could ask for more? Each person in our family is unique and for every unique thing about them I love them that much more. Being Mom is a good place to be.
- My job. It fills our needs so much more than I could've imagined! I love it. I love doing the job, the people and the fact that it completely fits my needs. Father designed this position just for me. I can't wait to see how much more we are blessed by it.
If you can't tell, life is good. We are blessed. And today, I'm going to get busy on the to do list I've been putting off. It's time to take care of my blessings.
I have a cantaloupe! I mean, it's growing on my plant outside. I'm SO excited! One thing I'm doing today is to go out and take care of my little garden plants. Ohhh... I love working out there! I'm looking for a gazebo to buy for our patio. We need a cover so bad, it gets really hot out there. So I'm hoping to find one on craigslist. It would be so awesome. I want to do that, and then maybe sell our little tall table and stools out there and get a loveseat or maybe a glider for us to sit on and enjoy the backyard out there. The weather is so beautiful today. I have the windows open and I'm enjoying the breeze in the quiet this morning.
Hubby is off to work, and Addi is down for her morning nap. I'm going to get going and try to mark off some things to do today. I am hoping to get the boxes put away that are in the landing upstairs. Hubby would be so happy to go up and have all that gone when he gets home! Hmmm... that might be my project today! I'll let you know how that works out.
Blessings to all of you!
Friday, August 28, 2009
that life takes these turns, some more drastic than others, and you just can't see around the bend until you get there....
My best friend of 13 years (besides my hubby) is no longer. My best friend, I mean. I love her. I miss her. But I guess the changes Father is doing in our lives is more than she can comprehend right now. So - I am praying for her, and her family. She told me we don't have enough money to hang out with them. She said they are in the dark place we left and they have no intention of leaving there. She said she has her "own opinions" on what we do for our kids and their kids. Just confirmation that it's all okay and that pruning has to happen for growth. I'm growing. That's all I have to say about that.
Tonight is a football game, tomorrow is my HQ breakfast and tomorrow evening we're meeting up with friends we haven't seen in years. I can't wait! It is going to be so much fun!
We have no plans on Sunday. I wonder what we'll do? Maybe go on a bike ride? Work on the camper for our camping trip next weekend? Spend time alone? Or maybe... all of the above!
I spent a great morning with Cassie & Lacey, and I am so thankful to have had that time. I love those girls. I'm glad we had time together and planning Cassie's shower is so much fun. It's on Sept 19, and I can't wait! :-)
OK, this is total randomness blogging... so I'm off to check my to do list and finish up whatever I have for today. I need to be at the game at 6pm, to see the boy march! (Note the disappointment that his grandparents haven't made time to come see him play. Noted, and moving on...)
Blessings to all of you....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Life today is better for me than it's ever been. I am so incredibly blessed, and I have a Father who loves me dearly and guides me wherever I go. Since returning from HeartQuest, my life will never be the same. There was a dark place I lived in, and a darker place I spent way too much time in... and I hope I am never in either of those places ever again. Life in the Light is amazing!
I had a blog in another place, and decided it best to stop using that website and that blog. Father has led me to a place that others don't always understand. I love them, I always will, but they don't understand and in fact, want to make fun of where I am today. So.... I've pruned those things from my life. Father is amazing, at how He knows just how to speak to me and how clearly I hear Him now.
I have had a busy day. Cleaned the kitchen and all I have left to do is mop the floor. I will mop it when Addi lays down for her nap. She is eating lunch now, and I just had a sandwich from the bread I made this morning. YUM! I'm going to make chicken & rice casserole today, and I think I'll make some wheat rolls to go with the dinner. Hubby will like that! I'm working tonight, as part of my training. So I am hoping that won't take too terribly long. I'll have dinner ready for the oven before I leave so the family doesn't have to wait on me.
I am considering going to goodwill today. I want to look for a few things, including curtain rods for my living room windows, and maybe some curtains if they have any that would work for me. I really want to get my windows covered. Although, I may also make something out of some burgandy fabric I already have. Hmmm... that would be really nice! I'll have to see how much fabric I have for that. :-)
I'm very excited about all I can do to get the house fixed up and to sew for the grandbabies. Kylie picked out fabric for me to make her a coat for the winter! It's really cute. I also am making a bag for my band booster papers, etc. I think I'll work on that today too. Wow, it's noon and I already have a lot on my plate! Guess I better get off of here and get moving on that to do list! LOL!
Ruth 3:11