Friday, March 05, 2010

Where did I begin?

I am beginning to wonder where the month of February ran off to?  I was blessed with a new van, there were birthdays involved and fun times with my grandbabies.  I also went to Radiance in February.  And that was a great end to the month!

We were blessed to lead our Life Group bible study on Tuesday night, and then my women's bible study was on Wednesday night.  Both went really well, as the Holy Spirit used us to minister both nights.  I was asked on Wednesday by a long time believer, when I was saved.  I started in to my, I was saved when I was a kid and then.... 

What I realized as I started to say it was the realization that I had only had a seed planted in me.  I had not lived my life for Him, laying it down and dying to my old self and living in Him.  I did believe, and for a while stood strong for my Savior.  But it was short lived.  I had no roots.

The Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-8 shares that the seed that falls on the path dies.  That seed is the one who has no belief or faith.  The seed that sprouts quickly but dies in the sun is one with no roots.  That was me.  I sprouted quickly, claiming my salvation and even sharing it with others.  But it soon died because there were no roots to grow from.  The sun (the world) was too harsh and I couldn't continue to live that life on my own.  That is the point, I could not continue to live my life on MY own.  I needed His roots.

So on July 17, 2009 I laid my life down to Him.  I died to my old self and am living a new life with Him.  It's a pretty amazing experience, to be honest. We are growing in the Word and Him every day.  We are passionate about our new life.  We have never had this much peace in our lives, nor have we heard Him speak to us as clearly as we do now. 

Our roots are strong and are getting stronger as we grow every day.  It's so fun and exciting to see Him use us at the times we least expect it.  I am blessed beyond measure to get to spend time with my Sisters at Heart bible study.  I lead the group, but am blessed by them every week.  I also love how the Lord always has just the right women attend.  The group is growing and transitioning every week.  I can't wait to see where we go from here! 

Financially, we are amazed at His provision.  Can I say that?  Well, it's my testimony to Honoring Him with our finances.  We not only have what we need, but there are many things that we want that we are blessed with.  Every day is new, and exciting to see what happens.  My sweet hubby has a new business he's started on the side while he maintains his current job.  We are praying and hoping that he will be able to go completely on his own this year.  If that is Father's will, then it will happen.  Just this week we had a need, and it was completely filled by the work that came hubby's way.  AMAZING!

I hope that the Lord blesses and keeps you this week.  I am going to try harder to come around more often.  I miss my blog, and you. 

Living the Blessed Life ~


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